Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

 Well, here it is, Valentine's Day. The day to celebrate love. But what if you're alone? What do you do then?

 If you're me, you watch horror films such as My Bloody Valentine or any other good slasher film. Who needs to be reminded that at one time you may have had someone. Maybe you set up a date through online service.

 I actually did have a date tonight. I blew him off. What's the point anyway? You sit there and make small talk with someone you may or may not like just to have a date tonight. Maybe it works out. Then you have to make time for them, call them, be there for them and try to like the stuff they do because that's what happens in relationships. It's exhausting just thinking about it.

 Then maybe a couple of years later, you might be planning a wedding that ends up NOT happening and you have to start all over again. I have a wedding dress in my closet due to that scenario.

 Well, you know what......FUCK THAT! It's been a year and half since that happened and I have to see that asswipe everyday at work. Good reminder of how useless this whole dating and caring thing is.

 The question now is, do I want to be alone or do I still need time? Working on this with my therapist and figured I would blog about it so maybe I can make some sense out of it all. How I got here.....41, single and childless.